2021-07-30 - Sandberg Learning Center


~3.9 mi @ ~14.0 min/mi

"Wonder where that path goes?" A narrow dirt track up a steep hillside beckons. Explore! From the Twinbrook Connector Trail an overgrown cut-through emerges at Rock Creek Woods. Friday evening rush-hour traffic is busy on Veirs Mill Rd so meander uphill, jaywalk near the public library, and discover the Carl Sandberg Learning Center. Another dead-end road? Explore! A slightly sketchy deer path joins Meadow Hall Dr and Pinneberg Ave. Survey the warning track around the softball fields behind Broome Middle School. Mourn the broken water fountain at the tennis courts. Flashback to 2005-11-13 - Rock Creek Park Marathon and Relay and 2010-08-01 - Rock Creek Trail on the semi-scary Linthicum St metal-mesh bridge over Rock Creek. Close the loop and proceed to pick up hot-and-sour soup at China Bistro!

(trackfile) - ^z - 2021-08-24